home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /******************************************************************************
- **
- ** Coded by Dino Papararo 23-Apr-2001
- **
- ** Based on NewIff package relased by Commodore
- **
- **
- ** QueryMandPic -- Examine an IFF picture.
- **
- **
- ** LONG QueryMandPic (struct ILBMInfo *,struct MandelChunk *,UBYTE *);
- **
- **
- ** Passed an initialized ILBMInfo with a not-in-use IFFHandle, a MandelChunk
- **
- ** structure and a filename, will open an ILBM, fill in ilbm->camg and
- **
- ** ilbm->bmhd, and close the ILBM.
- **
- ** This allows you to determine if the ILBM is a size and
- **
- ** type you want to deal with.
- **
- ** For succes is necessary the ID_MAND into the iff file !
- **
- ** Returns 0 for success or an IFFERR (libraries/iffparse.h).
- **
- **
- **
- ** LoadMandPic -- Load an IFF picture.
- **
- **
- ** LONG LoadMandPic (struct ILBMInfo *,UBYTE *);
- **
- **
- ** Function uses a ILBMInfo struct with record ParseInfo.iff initialized
- **
- ** with AllocIFF() function, and a pointer to a FileName.
- **
- ** It's necessary a valid Window RPort and ViewPort initialized in the passed
- **
- ** ILBM Structure for the BODY and COLORS, at end all memory will be freed.
- **
- **
- **
- ** SaveMandPic -- save a screen as IFF picture.
- **
- **
- ** LONG SaveMandPic (struct ILBMInfo *,struct Chunk *,struct Chunk *,UBYTE *);
- **
- **
- ** Function uses a ILBMInfo struct with record ParseInfo.iff initialized
- **
- ** with AllocIFF() function, two custom chunks, and a pointer to a FileName.
- **
- ** In the 1st custom chunk I put the copyright infos and in the 2nd the
- **
- ** special chunk MAND used for window limits, fractal limits, iterations
- **
- ** type...
- **
- ** Function will save the icon file too with support for NewIcons.
- **
- ******************************************************************************/
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <intuition/intuitionbase.h>
- #include <intuition/screens.h>
- #include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
- #include <iffp/ilbmapp.h>
- #include <iffp/ilbm.h>
- #include <iffp/packer.h>
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <proto/intuition.h>
- #include <proto/graphics.h>
- #include <proto/iffparse.h>
- #include "flashmandel.h"
- #define NOMAND 115L
- #define MANDERR 116L
- #define FROMBLACK 0
- /* local function prototypes */
- IMPORT BOOL Fade (struct Window *,ULONG *,ULONG,ULONG,BOOL);
- LONG QueryMandPic (struct ILBMInfo *,struct MandelChunk *,UBYTE *filename);
- LONG LoadMandPic (struct ILBMInfo *,UBYTE *);
- LONG SaveMandPic (struct ILBMInfo *,struct Chunk *,struct Chunk *,UBYTE *);
- LONG SavePalette (struct ILBMInfo *,struct Chunk *,UBYTE *);
- LONG LoadPalette (struct ILBMInfo *,UBYTE *);
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* queryilbm
- *
- * Passed an initilized ILBMInfo with a not-in-use IFFHandle,
- * and a filename,
- * will open an ILBM, fill in ilbm->camg and ilbm->bmhd,
- * and close the ILBM.
- *
- * This allows you to determine if the ILBM is a size and
- * type you want to deal with.
- *
- * Returns 0 for success or an IFFERR (libraries/iffparse.h)
- */
- LONG QueryMandPic (struct ILBMInfo *ilbm,struct MandelChunk *ManChk,UBYTE *filename)
- {
- LONG error;
- BitMapHeader *bmhd;
- struct MandelChunk *TmpManChk;
- if (! (ilbm->ParseInfo.iff)) return (CLIENT_ERROR);
- error = openifile (&(ilbm->ParseInfo),filename,IFFF_READ);
- if (! error)
- {
- error = parseifile (&(ilbm->ParseInfo),ID_FORM,ID_ILBM,ilbm->ParseInfo.propchks,ilbm->ParseInfo.collectchks,ilbm->ParseInfo.stopchks);
- if ((error == NULL) || (error == IFFERR_EOC) || (error == IFFERR_EOF))
- {
- if (contextis (ilbm->ParseInfo.iff,ID_ILBM,ID_FORM))
- {
- if (TmpManChk = (struct MandelChunk *) findpropdata (ilbm->ParseInfo.iff,ID_ILBM,ID_MAND))
- {
- CopyMem (TmpManChk,ManChk,sizeof (struct MandelChunk));
- if (bmhd = (BitMapHeader *) findpropdata (ilbm->ParseInfo.iff,ID_ILBM,ID_BMHD))
- {
- CopyMem (bmhd,&ilbm->Bmhd,sizeof (BitMapHeader));
- ilbm->camg = getcamg (ilbm);
- }
- else error = NOFILE;
- }
- else error = NOMAND;
- }
- else error = NOFILE;
- }
- closeifile (&(ilbm->ParseInfo));
- }
- return (error);
- }
- /* LoadMandPic
- *
- * Passed a not-in-use IFFHandle, an initialized ILBMInfo, and filename,
- * will load an ILBM into your already opened ilbm->scr, setting up
- * ilbm->Bmhd, ilbm->camg, ilbm->colortable, and ilbm->ncolors
- * and loading the colors into the screen's viewport
- *
- * Note that ncolors may be more colors than you can LoadRGB4.
- * Use MIN(ilbm->ncolors,vp->ColorMap->Count) for color count if
- * you change the colors yourself using 1.3/2.0 functions.
- *
- * V39 - unless ilbm->IFFPFlags & IFFPF_NOCOLOR32, will do 32-bit
- * color load under V39 and higher
- *
- * Returns 0 for success or an IFFERR (libraries/iffparse.h)
- *
- * NOTE - LoadMandPic () keeps the IFFHandle open so you can copy
- * or examine other chunks. You must call closeifile(iff,ilbm)
- * to close the file and deallocate the parsed context
- *
- */
- LONG LoadMandPic (struct ILBMInfo *ilbm,UBYTE *filename)
- {
- struct BitMap *TmpBM;
- LONG error;
- if (! (ilbm->ParseInfo.iff)) return (CLIENT_ERROR);
- if (! ilbm->scr) return (CLIENT_ERROR);
- if (! (ilbm->vp)) ilbm->vp = &ilbm->scr->ViewPort;
- error = openifile (&ilbm->ParseInfo,filename,IFFF_READ);
- if (! error)
- {
- error = parseifile (&ilbm->ParseInfo,ID_FORM,ID_ILBM,ilbm->ParseInfo.propchks,ilbm->ParseInfo.collectchks,ilbm->ParseInfo.stopchks);
- if ((! error) || (error == IFFERR_EOC) || (error == IFFERR_EOF))
- {
- if (contextis (ilbm->ParseInfo.iff,ID_ILBM,ID_FORM))
- {
- if (TmpBM = AllocBitMap ((ULONG) ilbm->win->Width,(ULONG) ilbm->win->Height,(ULONG) ilbm->wrp->BitMap->Depth,BMF_INTERLEAVED | BMF_CLEAR | BMF_MINPLANES,NULL))
- {
- if (! (error = loadbody (ilbm->ParseInfo.iff,TmpBM,&ilbm->Bmhd)))
- BltBitMapRastPort (TmpBM,(LONG) ilbm->win->LeftEdge,(LONG) ilbm->win->TopEdge,ilbm->wrp,(LONG) ilbm->win->LeftEdge,(LONG) ilbm->win->TopEdge,(LONG) ilbm->win->Width,(LONG) ilbm->win->Height,0xC0);
- FreeBitMap (TmpBM);
- }
- if (! (getcolors (ilbm)))
- {
- Fade (ilbm->win,(ULONG *) (ilbm->colorrecord),25L,1L,FROMBLACK);
- // setcolors (ilbm,ilbm->vp);
- freecolors (ilbm);
- }
- }
- else error = NOFILE;
- }
- closeifile (&(ilbm->ParseInfo));
- }
- return (error);
- }
- LONG SaveMandPic (struct ILBMInfo *ilbm,struct Chunk *chunklist1,struct Chunk *chunklist2,UBYTE *filename)
- {
- struct BitMap *TmpBM;
- Color32 *colortable32;
- UWORD count;
- ULONG modeid;
- modeid = GetVPModeID (ilbm->vp);
- count = ilbm->vp->ColorMap->Count;
- if (colortable32 = (Color32 *) AllocVec ((ULONG) (sizeof (Color32) * count),MEMF_CLEAR))
- {
- if (TmpBM = AllocBitMap ((ULONG) ilbm->win->Width,(ULONG) ilbm->win->Height,(ULONG) ilbm->wrp->BitMap->Depth,BMF_INTERLEAVED | BMF_CLEAR | BMF_MINPLANES,NULL))
- {
- GetRGB32 (ilbm->vp->ColorMap,0L,(ULONG) count,(ULONG *) colortable32);
- BltBitMap (ilbm->wrp->BitMap,(LONG) ilbm->win->LeftEdge,(LONG) ilbm->win->TopEdge,TmpBM,(LONG) ilbm->win->LeftEdge,(LONG) ilbm->win->TopEdge,(LONG) ilbm->win->Width,(LONG) ilbm->win->Height,0xC0,0xFF,NULL);
- error = saveilbm (ilbm,TmpBM,modeid,ilbm->win->Width,ilbm->win->Height,ilbm->win->Width,ilbm->win->Height,colortable32,count,32,mskNone,0,chunklist1,chunklist2,filename);
- FreeBitMap (TmpBM);
- }
- FreeVec (colortable32);
- }
- return (error);
- }
- LONG LoadPalette (struct ILBMInfo *ilbm,UBYTE *filename)
- {
- LONG error;
- error = openifile (&(ilbm->ParseInfo),filename,IFFF_READ);
- if (! error)
- {
- error = parseifile (&(ilbm->ParseInfo),ID_FORM,ID_ILBM,ilbm->ParseInfo.propchks,ilbm->ParseInfo.collectchks,ilbm->ParseInfo.stopchks);
- if ((! error) || (error == IFFERR_EOC) || (error == IFFERR_EOF))
- {
- if (! (error = getcolors (ilbm)))
- {
- Fade (ilbm->win,(ULONG *) (ilbm->colorrecord),25L,1L,FROMBLACK);
- // setcolors (ilbm,ilbm->vp);
- freecolors (ilbm);
- }
- }
- closeifile (&(ilbm->ParseInfo));
- }
- return (error);
- }
- LONG SavePalette (struct ILBMInfo *ilbm,struct Chunk *chunklist,UBYTE *filename)
- {
- struct IFFHandle *iff;
- struct Chunk *chunk;
- Color32 *colortable32;
- UWORD ncolors;
- LONG size,error;
- ULONG chunkID;
- iff = ilbm->ParseInfo.iff;
- ncolors = ilbm->vp->ColorMap->Count;
- error = openifile (&(ilbm->ParseInfo),filename,IFFF_WRITE);
- if (! error)
- {
- error = PushChunk (iff,ID_ILBM,ID_FORM,IFFSIZE_UNKNOWN);
- if (colortable32 = (Color32 *) AllocVec ((ULONG) (sizeof (Color32) * ncolors),MEMF_CLEAR))
- {
- GetRGB32 (ilbm->vp->ColorMap,0L,(ULONG) ncolors,(ULONG *) colortable32);
- CkErr (putcmap (iff,colortable32,ncolors,32));
- FreeVec (colortable32);
- }
- for (chunk = chunklist; chunk; chunk = chunk->ch_Next)
- {
- chunkID = chunk->ch_ID;
- if ((chunkID != ID_BMHD) && (chunkID != ID_CMAP) && (chunkID != ID_CAMG))
- {
- size = ((chunk->ch_Size == IFFSIZE_UNKNOWN) ? strlen (chunk->ch_Data) : chunk->ch_Size);
- CkErr (PutCk (iff,chunkID,size,chunk->ch_Data));
- }
- }
- CkErr (PopChunk (iff)); /* close out the FORM */
- closeifile (&(ilbm->ParseInfo)); /* and the file */
- }
- return (error);
- }